Nursing role in self-care practices for patients with diabetic retinopathy (4th part) بالانجليزية

Taking care of oneself is crucial for maintaining overall well-being throughout all phases of life. It is a habit that is developed over time and requires a continued effort. Self-care involves individuals actively managing their health by utilizing the resources and information that are accessible to them. It is a process that empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health in collaboration with healthcare professionals.

Additionally, it has a significant impact on slowing the progression of diabetic retinopathy and reducing complications, ultimately improving quality of life. It also helps to address the rising healthcare expenses worldwide. Self-care measures for diabetic retinopathy include maintaining eye health, regularly monitoring blood glucose levels, getting routine health check-ups, taking medications properly, following a healthy diet, and engaging in physical activity.

Educating patients about their condition and treatment allows them to prevent further complications. Patients should be taught how to manage their own care and their understanding and abilities should be reassessed regularly.

Lack of of proper knowledge and behaviour by patients in managing diabetic retinopathy can lead to inadequate self-care practices and poor health outcomes. Insufficient knowledge, non-compliance with medication, and lack of proper self-care practices can all contribute to unsatisfactory results. Therefore, patients who are well-informed about their condition and treatment are better equipped to effectively manage their disease.

Providing education on self-care practices in addition to standard patient education in primary care can help patients with diabetic retinopathy live their best possible lives. Ophthalmic nurses play a crucial role in improving the quality of care for their patients by serving as caregivers, educators, and counsellors. Therefore, nurses are essential in creating successful educational programs for diabetic retinopathy patients to help them effectively manage their self-care routines.

Educational interventions for diabetic retinopathy, along with prompt referrals to eye care professionals and cost-effective treatment, can help prevent blindness. A comprehensive approach to diabetic retinopathy should focus on educating patients, promoting behaviour change, implementing effective disease management strategies, and ensuring regular vision exams and treatments that are both high-quality and affordable.


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