Heart Failure (first part ) بالانجليزية

     Heart failure (HF) is a condition where the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs, leading to organ failure, weakness, and difficulty breathing. It is when the heart cannot supply adequate blood flow to the body to meet its metabolic requirements. HF is caused by systemic diseases, genetic abnormalities, and structural or functional issues in the heart, causing decreased cardiac output or increased pressure within heart chambers during activity or rest. This is a condition characterized by symptoms like difficulty breathing, swelling in the ankles, and fatigue. Signs of heart failure may include an increase in jugular venous pressure, crackling sounds in the lungs, and swelling in the extremities. The treatment of heart failure patients often requires a multifaceted approach, which may include medications, the use of medical devices, and even heart transplantation.

      Patients diagnosed with HF with Reduced Ejection Fraction should receive Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors, beta blockers, and mineral corticoid antagonists as part of their treatment. These medications are effective in relieving symptoms and improving overall functioning. In cases where symptoms persist despite treatment, Digoxin may be prescribed to reduce the risk of hospitalization. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are also recommended to decrease the risk of hospitalization or death. Early detection of heart failure and proper management are crucial components of medical care for these patients.

Read more: see second part .........................


Jasim, Y.A. (2023). Assessment of life style of patients with heart failurer. Retrieved

        from http://www.eulc.edu.eg/eulc_v5/Libraries/Thesis/BrowseThesisPages.aspx?



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