(Nursing role in educating patients with hypothyroidism (3rd part / دور الممرضة في تثقيف مرضى قصور الغدة الدرقية (الجزء الثالث)(بالانجليزية والعربية)
Nursing role in educating patients with hypothyroidism The nurse plays an important role in hypothyroidism management, enhancing the patient's physical, social, and emotional well-being. They offer support, help with achieving euthyroid state, and incorporate hypothyroidism care into patients' lives. Nursing care plans should prioritise patient education, including the disease, nutrition, medication, and modifications to lifestyles. It is critical to consider neurologic changes in patients, such as poor memory, disorientation, hearing loss, and lower attention span, and to schedule sessions at appropriate times for learning. Using written information supports verbal presentations. Related to nutritional status, Hypothyroidism has a slower metabolism, which can result in weight gain and increased caloric intake, resulting in nutritional imbalances and significant health complications such as high blood pressure, a high cholesterol levels, and obesi...