
(Stroke (1st part / السكتة الدماغية ( الجزء الأول ) (بالانجليزية والعربية)

  Stroke (in English) The central nervous system (CNS) is the body's master system, allowing humans to understand, use, and act on input from their senses. It also contributes to the protection and maintenance of normal bodily functions. Regardless of the origin, neural system dysfunctions can impair one's capacity to think, reason, predict, or do basic everyday tasks. Stroke is the leading cause of adult physical, psychological, and social disability. It is a deadly disease that affects millions of individuals throughout the world. Cerebrovascular stroke ''CVS'', also known as a cerebrovascular accident ''CVA'' or ''brain attack'' is an umbrella term for the most severe, disabling, and fatal significant neurologic condition that causes a sudden loss of brain function followed by death or permanent neurological deficits and long-term disability.  Cerebrovascular stroke occurs when there is an ischemia (inadequate blood flow to a p

Role of nurse in educating patients with varicose patients (2nd part) / دور الممرضة في تثقيف المرضى الذين يعانون من الدوالي ( الجزء الثاني ) ( بالانجليزية والعربية)

  Role of nurse in educating patients with varicose patients Nursing care for patients with varicose veins focuses on preventing complications, assessing patients' prognosis, and educating patients. Educating patients involves providing information that includes an explanation of what varicose veins are, possible causes of varicose veins, and the likelihood of progression and complications such as leg ulcers, skin changes, deep vein thrombosis, bleeding, and thrombophlebitis. Address any misconceptions the individual may have regarding the likelihood of developing complications. Also, provide guidance on treatment alternatives such as symptom relief, an explanation of interventional treatments, and the importance of compression. Discuss the anticipated benefits and drawbacks of each treatment option, the possibility of requiring more than one therapy session, as well as the fact that recurrent varicose veins are more likely to reoccur after treatment than original varicose veins. P

(Varicose veins(1st part / الدوالي (الجزء الأول) (بالانجليزية والعربية)

   Varicose Veins Varicose veins are one of the most common venous problems around the world. It can affect both men and women of various ages. Varicose veins are defined as swollen, bulging, twisted superficial veins that may be felt beneath the skin and often measure more than 3mm in diameter. They are commonly found on the inside of the calf or thigh and develop as a result of vein wall weakening and valve dysfunction. Veins have one-way valves that open and close to allow blood to return to the heart. If the valves become weak or damaged, blood can back up and stagnate in the leg, causing increasing pressure in the vein. It causes the veins to expand causing varicose veins.     Varicose veins can be caused by a variety of factors including primary, secondary, or congenital causes. Primary varicose veins form due to an intrinsic weakening in the vein's wall. Varicose veins can be hereditary and frequently appear in multiple members of the same family. Secondary causes of varicos

(Nursing role in educating patients with hypothyroidism (3rd part / دور الممرضة في تثقيف مرضى قصور الغدة الدرقية (الجزء الثالث)(بالانجليزية والعربية)

  Nursing role in educating patients with hypothyroidism   The nurse plays an important role in hypothyroidism management, enhancing the patient's physical, social, and emotional well-being. They offer support, help with achieving euthyroid state, and incorporate hypothyroidism care into patients' lives. Nursing care plans should prioritise patient education, including the disease, nutrition, medication, and modifications to lifestyles. It is critical to consider neurologic changes in patients, such as poor memory, disorientation, hearing loss, and lower attention span, and to schedule sessions at appropriate times for learning. Using written information supports verbal presentations. Related to nutritional status,  Hypothyroidism has a slower metabolism, which can result in weight gain and increased caloric intake, resulting in nutritional imbalances and significant health complications such as high blood pressure, a high cholesterol levels, and obesity. Patients should be edu

Nursing role in educating patients with hyperthyroidism(2nd part) / دور الممرضة في تثقيف مرضى فرط نشاط الغدة الدرقية ( الجزء الثاني ) (بالانجليزية والعربية)

  Nursing role in educating patients with hyperthyroidism When it comes to treating patients with hyperthyroidism, nursing role is essential.  The focus of nursing interventions should be on offering ongoing care, reducing stress, preventing harm to the patient, and initiating education.  Throughout education making sure significant others attend all of the instructional sessions is a helpful strategy.  The primary role of the nurse in patient education is to provide  a thorough explanation of thyroid gland function and nature of the  disease.  In terms of medications,  Make sure the patient is aware of all the medicine's side effects, dose, action, and necessity for any laboratory monitoring when taking thyroid medications. While waiting for the drug to take action, reassure patients and encourage them to adhere to the prescribed Medications. Encourage also the patient to take medications with meals to reduce gastric irritation. If the patient is receiving an iodine, dilute it wit