Nursing role in caring and educating patients with lymphoma(2nd part) / دور الممرضة في رعاية وتثقيف مرضى سرطان الغدد الليمفاوية (الجزء الثاني ) (بالانجليزية والعربية)
Nursing role in caring and educating patients with lymphoma Nurses play a crucial role in providing holistic care to individuals with lymphoma, including assessment, treatment, symptom management, patient education, and emotional support. Nursing assessment is vital for understanding the patient's diagnosis, symptoms, and identifying any physical or emotional needs. They also play a key role in promoting effective breathing patterns and monitoring for side effects of chemotherapy. Managing fatigue is important, with nurses encouraging patients to balance rest and activity, suggesting energy conservation techniques, and prioritizing activities based on energy levels. Regular physical activity can improve energy levels, boost the immune system, and enhance emotional well-being. In order to provide health education and support for patients...