
Telehealth nursing(1st part) / تمريض الرعاية الصحية عن بعد ( الجزء الأول ) (بالانجليزية والعربية)

                                   Telehealth nursing The significance of telehealth has been highlighted, particularly during pandemics like the one caused by the Coronavirus. Videoconferencing has been used to care for COVID-19 patients, link them with their families, enable non-COVID-19 patients to get treatment without having to go to healthcare facilities, and protect healthcare workers. Therefore, it is necessary to re-evaluate the current status of nursing in relation to telehealth. It is necessary to accept and adapt to this new approach, preparing nurses to not only supporting telehealth initiatives, but to lead the way in integrating it into healthcare. Nurses as well should strive to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and implementation of telehealth, which is becoming a crucial method for delivering healthcare services with room for growth. Telenursing, a subset of telehealth, involves using of electronic technologies to provide long-distance healthcare services, patien

Nursing role in cardiac catheterization (2nd part ) / دور الممرضة فى قسطرة القلب (الجزء الثاني ) (بالانجليزية والعربية)

         Nursing role in cardiac catheterization The nurse plays a vital role before, during, and after cardiac catheterization procedure. Pre catheterization interventions involve completing assessments, obtaining informed consent, documentation, and adjusting care plans based on patient changes. To provide the best possible outcomes, discharge planning and patient education should be included in the care plan. Addressing the patient's physical, psychological, and social needs are also important. It is critical that the nurse informs the patient and their family about the procedure, risks and benefits, and alleviating anxiety for both the patient and their family. Additionally, reassure the patient that the entire process, which includes preparation before the catheterization and after-care, may take up to 4 hours.  Pre-procedure fasting, and either withholding or decreasing the dosages of scheduled medications (including insulin, antihypertensive drugs, and diuretics) may be nece

(Cardiac catheterization (1st part / قسطرة القلب ( الجزء الأول ) (بالانجليزية والعربية)

      Cardiac catheterization Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) are a diseases that affect the blood vessels supplying the muscles of the heart. It is caused by the build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries, which can restrict blood flow to the heart. Depending on the severity of this blockage and the characteristics of the plaque, patients may experience chest pain or have no symptoms until a plaque ruptures and causes a blood clot to form. CAD is a leading cause of death globally, highlighting the importance of accurately assessing the extent and impact of the disease on heart function. While there are non-invasive tests available, cardiac catheterization is still considered the most reliable method for diagnosing and treating CAD, as well as other heart conditions like arrhythmias and issues with the cardiac valves.  Cardiac catheterization typically takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour. It is a minimally invasive procedure where a thin tube called a catheter is inserted through blood

Nursing role in caring and educating patients with cancer(2nd part) / دور الممرضة في رعاية وتثقيف مرضى السرطان ( الجزء الثاني ) (بالانجليزية والعربية)

 Nursing role in caring and educating patients with cancer  Oncology nurses are involved in all stages of treatment, from diagnosis to end-of-life care. Their responsibilities vary depending on the patient's specific needs, stage of cancer, and treatment. They  provide care for cancer patients in various settings, from the hospital ward to the bone marrow transplant unit, through to the community cancer screening programs. Acting as  a patient’s first line of communication, they coordinate the various aspects of care during cancer treatment. Oncology nurses focus on patient assessment, education, direct patient care, symptom management, collaboration, and supportive care.  Patient assessments: These include assessing patients  experiencing side effects from treatment , reviewing their  medical history, performing  physical exams, evaluating their health practices,  assessing patients pre-, during and post-chemotherapy,  assessing their physical and emotional status,  and understand

Cancer (1st part) / السرطان ( الجزء الأول ) ( بالانجليزية والعربية)

                               Cancer Cancer is a significant global health issue and ranks as the second highest cause of death. It is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrollable growth and spread of abnormal cells. These cancerous cells can invade surrounding tissues and can travel through the bloodstream or lymphatic system to distant parts of the body. The disease can have a profound impact on a person's physical, mental, and social well-being. Symptoms that may indicate the presence of cancer include fatigue that doesn’t get better with rest, changes in bowel such as constipation or diarrhoea, that doesn’t go away, changes in bladder habits such as pain when passing urine, blood in the urine or needing to pass urine more or less often, unexplained pain or sore that does not heal, abnormal bleeding or discharge from the body orifices, lumps or thickening in the body, nausea and vomiting, difficulty swallowing, changes in skin or moles, persistent cough or hoarseness

Nursing role in caring and educating patients with Heart Failure ( 2nd part ) / دور الممرضة في رعاية وتثقيف مرضى فشل القلب أو قصور القلب أو هبوط القلب ( الجزء الثاني ) (بالانجليزية والعربية)

Nursing role in caring and educating patients with Heart Failure       The nurses are essential in the care of patients suffering from heart failure (HF) and their management. The primary goals of care for patients with HF include relieving their symptoms, improving their quality of life, prolonging their lives, and reducing hospital admissions associated with this condition. The nurses are responsible for assessing signs and symptoms, and providing education to patients and their families on self-care and lifestyle changes. This includes advice on smoking, diet, alcohol consumption, medication and device use, stress management, weight monitoring, sodium and fluid restrictions, recognizing worsening symptoms, regular exercise, and follow‐up appointment. Individuals with HF and their support networks must also learn about the condition, medical devices, other treatments and technologies needed to manage HF such as mechanical circulatory support and heart transplantation. Nurses also nee

Heart Failure (1st part )/ مرض فشل القلب أو قصور القلب أو هبوط القلب(الجزء الأول) (بالانجليزية والعربية)

Heart Failure Heart failure (HF) is a condition where the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs, leading to organ failure, weakness, and difficulty breathing. It is when the heart cannot supply adequate blood flow to the body to meet its metabolic requirements. HF is caused by systemic diseases, genetic abnormalities, and structural or functional issues in the heart, causing decreased cardiac output or increased pressure within heart chambers during activity or rest. This is a condition characterized by symptoms like difficulty breathing, swelling in the ankles, and fatigue. Signs of heart failure may include an increase in jugular venous pressure, crackling sounds in the lungs, and swelling in the extremities. The treatment of heart failure patients often requires a multifaceted approach, which may include medications, the use of medical devices, and even heart transplantation. Patients diagnosed with HF with Reduced Ejection Fraction should receive Angiote